Guaranteed Tough, Designed For & Worn By Professionals

The DEWALT® range of footwear is designed for the professional tradesman. Whether working inside where lightweight, flexible, breathable footwear is needed or outside in the mud, water, snow and ice. DEWALT® has a shoe built to meet your needs.

DEWALT Footwear

SFC, DEWALT® and You - Trusted brands that keep workers on their feet and safe on the job

Click to learn more about the benefits of an SFC Corporate Safety Shoe Program or to inquire about becoming a DEWALT safety footwear and work apparel wholesaler

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Introducing Dewalt® work apparel. Built to weather the workday.

DEWALT® work apparel is designed for professional tradespeople, offering rugged durability no matter where your job takes you. With features such as water-resistance, handwarmer pockets and heavy weight fabrics, DeWalt work apparel keeps you comfortable on the job.

DEWALT Brand Apparel